Brianne Burk, Pastry Chef, Cake Decorator, Business Owner

Brianne is a 30 year old Le Cordon Bleu graduate with a degree in Baking & Patisserie. She didn't always know what path she wanted to take, but as soon as she figured it out she took off running. She started at the bottom of the ladder in the industry by working as a bakery clerk, then as a lead baker and then soon onto her favorite role as lead cake decorator.
Although every job and position lead her into who she is, she always had the itch to follow her dream and start her own business. On her birthday in 2017 she put her two weeks in and has yet to look back.
She has a passion for making people smile and light up through the power of desert. Nothing makes her happier than bringing people joy though her cakes and other pasteries.
Sweet Pal O' Mine Bakeshop
The name Sweet Pal O' Mine didn't come easy or quickly, it was very thought out and has immense meaning behind it. The name is in honor of Brianne's late Papa. He wasn't around for very much of her life, but had a huge impact on it. He had a saying "pal o' mine" which he would say to everybody, he sort of became known for his little jingle. So she thought what better way to pay tribute then to continue his legacy. Now every customer is a "Pal O' Mine."

Fun Facts:
Favorite Food:
PIZZA. hands down. no questions.
Favorite Color:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
A Star Is Born
A Walk to Remember
(or any romcom really)
Favorite Show:
changes with every netflix binge I go through, BUT I would say all time favorite is Grey's Anatomy & Friends!
Favorite Band:
The Maine
The Jonas Brothers
(I am a boy band fan girl forever)